
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Back in the saddle!

Greetings all,

May is here and I am so glad! I spent the first Saturday of May at a family reunion in Morehead City with siblings, cousins and even an aunt I haven't seen in over thirty years. Was a joyful time together and because yard sales gomon all over the place, I managed to hit a few with my cousins, Lucie, from Mass. and Cecelia, from Ohio. They were champs who agreed to be ready 5:45am and they were! We managed to check out at least 5 sales. I found a wagon with tall sides holding stackable blocks for Hugh($8, a beach umbrella($8), and a 20 ft outdoor extension cord($1). The wagon o'blocks was impulse buy but I had just read an article mentioning blocks as a great learning toy/tool, the umbrella was on Kelley's shopping list and the extension cord was a "cannot pass this up" buy. I took a picture of the wagon but can't remember whose camera I used! Lucie and Cecelia were more circumspect with their purchases since they were limited by travel. Nonetheless they each found something small. Lucie bought a small lovely, clear glass paperweight for a friend, and Cecelia, a couple of little angel statues, again for a friend. So we had a great time together and found something as well.