This week's prep work took longer than usual since there were soooo many sales listed in craigslist and local paper. Explanation of "prep work": I go online and check out the sales listed on Craigslist and the classified section of the paper. I read each listing and copy/paste the ones that are somewhat nearby and are in neighborhoods I am interested in checking out. There are some neighborhoods that are banned from our hunts because these have proven not to be worth the time and gas in relation to quality of merchandise. We do have standards! So, after copy/pasting the individual sales on to a word document, I then try my best to sort times and towns; here we have Winterville and Greenville as our haunts. We do not go to any other towns around here. Today even after my careful selection, I had two pages filled with sales, 26 total. I must add here, I use 14 font size so I don't have to keep using my glasses! There were at least 5 that started at 6am so it was an early start to the day but light enough to see without flashlights/headgear and we hit 13 of the ones on the list and several unadvertized. Yes, I do possess and use a hands free head flashlight. Pictures for another post:). There was only one that advertised but were not open for business. Shame on thee!
Johanna and I (again sans Babs and Sophie) took off with our lists in hand and in mind. We always try to tell each other what each is on the lookout for so if one of us misses something on our list, the other usually spots it and brings it to the attention of the other. What a team! Another reason to go "sailing' with a friend.
There were lots of unadvertised sales as well as the ones on my list and in total we hit approximately 15, not counting the driveby's. Yes, there were several. My daughter (and sometimes rider) Brenna, asked me to take a picture of a "drive by" and at first I balked thinking it is bad enough slowing down and then riding off but to compound the insult with taking a picture???!!! No way! But today we found one we could comfortably photograph since the seller was actually reading a paper! People, please do not look so uninterested in selling that you read as if bored while potential shoppers think, she/he could care less. Granted, the wares displayed made me yawn too, but the total package was worthy of a photo op. So I took it! In this seller's favor, she did hang the clothes up and used tables, but there was so very little to sell.
As I have written before about our appreciation for good signage, I decided today to give you an example of what we consider "good.
Ok, what did we find today?!! Husband Steve has been walking the
Greenway here in our neighborhood and was interested in a portable water container. Found a Camelbak hydration pack for $3 with an extra water resevoir. It does need a new connector but I can buy that locally without too much expense. He will be kept hydrated before the weekend is out.
Johanna and I spend the last weekend of July every year on a Mission trip with over 100 teens and 20 + adults. We are always looking for tools we can use for home repair.
Seller proclaimed these hammers were made of stout stuff, made to last, and had served him well. |
I need an interim watch while I search for the one I misplaced and hope I didn't loose last weekend. Needs a battery so I will be heading to Walmart to get it running. Willing to take a chance for 50 cents.
I did luck into a cute umbrella stroller for $2. I picked up it up for Lindsey. I bought a really sturdy one from Johanna's daughter, Erin, but this one will be perfect to keep in the car for those quick in and out shopping moments.
I advertized this as a "fuel efficient first car" |
Anyone interested, it is yours for $25.
There were books, craft items for Brenna, and other little odds and ends such as mailing labels, name labels etc.. for under a dollar I deemed un photo worthy. These things come in handy when you are mailing something or need a name label but they can be pricy at the store. Will keep you posted on the hopeful sale.
Note I didn't list Johanna's finds or photo hers. I am still new at this blogging deal so I forget to get out the camera sometimes. I meant to take a pic at the back of her car when we opened the trunk at the end of the morn but we were in auto mode and just started unpacking the load. Next time....! Just know she had just as much loot as I did. Johanna also shops for items folks in need have looked for at St. Vincent De Paul Society at our church, St. Peters. This ministry gives away donated clothes and non-perishable foods to those in great need. Those numbers are growing. One elderly lady with progressive lung problems is always looking for front opening nightgowns. Just can't afford new. So when I spotted a light weight summery one I showed it to Johanna for size approval. Good to go. It will be washed and given to our sister in need next week.
I also want to thank my daughter Brenna for her "shout out" for my blog on her wonderful blogsite. She posts pics of her kindergarten classroom as well as ideas for other teachers to share and learn. I love checking in and seeing what's going on with Mrs. Johnson's class! Note: several of her bookcases were purchased at yard sales! Check out her blog; you won't be disappointed.
Hope you all have a safe week. Enjoy these beautiful days and stay cool!
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