
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday, April 16th

I was out of town last Saturday so I had to forgo my usual jaunts with Johanna, Babs, and Sophie. Headed to Morehead City to help celebrate my great nephew, Hugh, birthday on Saturday. Did that stop me from checking out yard sales? No! I had limited time to spend that morning but there was a community yard sale at a nice townhouse neighborhood and I had great hopes. Sadly, it seemed to be mostly older folks with their older things (not antique things!). Nothing for me there. But on the way back to the house to get ready to make chicken salad, I spotted a YS (yard sale) sign and checked it out. Didn't find much for me but did pick up a large unopened ream of construction paper I thought my niece Lyndsay(kindergarten teacher) could use. Sure enough, she was happy to have it.
Hugh's party was dampend by the cool, cloudy day but his smile was as sunny as that sun we were missing. He has grown so! And was quite happy with the Little Tykes Cosy Coupe I picked up last week for $5. Once he saw that car, nothing else would do. He looks like a natural in it, I must say!

Yesterday we headed out dark and early. Again, I forgot to grab the camera. Next time I will leave it in the YS bag. Ah, the YS bag. Let me explain. In this reusable tote, I keep a head lamp (for those YS that don't have adequate lighting at 6am, a tape measure, my $ envelopes (I shop for other people too so I have their funds in labled envelopes), and the YS weekly list. The YS weekly list is compiled Friday evenings, or whenever I can get to it Fridays. I have two sites online I check: the local newspaper and craigslist. I check each listing, decide if it is a sale that looks good using neighborhood, and mileage to consider, and then copy/paste to a word doc. When finished, I then list the YS in order of time and place/neighborhood/city. Then the list is printed, put in the bag and we are ready to go. Sounds easy, no?Well, procrastinator that I am, I have been known to compile said list late in the evening and neglect to:

  1. Forget to "google" the street address so then we are driving around a neighborhood I think I know where the street is,
  2. copy and paste the entire post, leaving out the street address,
  3. Print the list just before Johanna pulls into the driveway.
Johanna and Babs are most kind when I screw up but I hate the waste of gas, searching for a house at 0:dark thirty!
Yesterday, was one of those days. I left out an address and printed at 5:35am. So the first sale was a no go as we couldn't find the street we were looking for. Haste makes waste. However, there was another sale at 6am just further down the road.
Altogether, the folks selling were friendly, pricing items reasonably, and our fellow shoppers pleasant as well.
Requests for items from other folks were: down-filled vest for a lady in Bhutan who admired my sister's, anything classroom related for Brenna and Lyndsay, rugs for my brother's house, and a tent/canopy for my employer.
I scored on the vest right away. Found a nice one for $2 with no rips, tears, or stains. 80% down and 20% feathers. I think it will keep her quite toasty and pretty too!

I found two packs of flash cards brand new for the teachers, but no luck finding a rug or tent.
I couldn't resist a tiara for $1. This one will replace my aging tiara which has undergone two submersions in the ocean during the annual New Years Day Penguin Plunge. I will reserve the original for that event.

For Hugh, sunglasses for the summer. The picture doesn't do them justice. Brand new looking.

And lastly, I couldn't say no to Murduck for $1. I rationalized his purchase with the idea that Brenna could use him in her classroom. He comes with several outfits including a fireman's hat and suit, a tux and also pjs. But alas, no. She agreed he was darling but no place for him at school. So he might reside with us at home waiting for the grandchildren that will hopefully eventually come, or perhaps a visit from Hugh or other nieces and nephews. Or if anyone viewing takes a liking to him, he is yours for $1!

That is all for this weekend's review. Holiday yardsales are pretty much a bust so I don't expect this coming Saturday will prove me wrong. Will be back in Morehead City to celebrate Easter with family in Carteret County. Hope you all have a great week and Happy Easter!!